
What is Platforms?

About: 'Platforms' cartoons Mission

Platforms Cartoons is a quirky cartoon site for sharing social commentaries, political views, current events, satire, and overall just plain venting!

Everyone sits upon their own ‘platform.’ What is your platform? What are your positions?

Attached to the right is an example of a ‘platforms’ cartoon. This one is about housing affordability and its impact particularly upon young married couples today. The prices are changing so fast that a changeable sign to show the dollar amount is placed in front of the new home. Also note that what is being purchased is decreasing in building size, and property size. Less and less for your money!

About: The Artist

I’m an independent and self-funded political cartoonist. What I draw can be considered as “politically incorrect” and it will ‘offend’ someone. It is what it is. I expect that leftist, main-stream media, and bureaucratic establishments will simply not like my work.  But I love America and I’m just exercising my right to use ‘the freedom of speech.’ 

I don’t want to see history re-written. I reject the notion of being ‘woke.’ I find it to be imagined foolishness. I believe in ‘gender binary’ (male & female). I also believe that mental illness is real and exists and there are people who just can’t help making bad decisions. I don’t hate them. I just don’t want ideologies forced on me that I simply disagree with. 

I do support the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.


About: “Commissions”

Do I take commissions? I never have, but I suppose it’s a possibility. It would depend upon what it was. Since I’m independent I can decide if I want to or not.

About: "FAQ"

How long have you been drawing caricatures? 

I’ve drawn since I was a kid. I’ve always liked to draw. Over many years I created a few cartoon strips that were only seen in a small and limited demographics, but I had fun creating them. 

When did you start ‘Platforms”?

It was during the pandemic that I created the concept of ‘Platforms.’ I knew it would be weird. I can draw feet on characters, but I just like the oddity of everyone being attached to their own platform. I wanted to do something I’ve never seen done before. 

Are you a crazed conspiracy theorist?

No, I’m really not. But I do like research and facts and data. I’m not a white supremist. I do believe there is really just one ‘race’ and that we are all a part of ‘the human race.’  I’m simply prejudiced against ignorance that comes in any color. 

Where are your cartoons published?

To date, not very many places. I was on Parler until it was attacked and crashed. I’ve considered trying to return to it. I next signed up for Gab and that’s where I currently mostly appear. I decided to learn how to create a webpage and then spent a ridiculously long time setting this one up! It’s been a ‘rabbit hole’ experience for me. I hope that I can receive some positive suggestions (other than where to go and what to do when I get there). I don’t think I can appear on Facebook or YouTube without being banned. I may try. If you have any real tips or positive advice, I’d like to hear it.

Who do you listen to or read?

Well, there are too many to list here, but I’ll try and add some, I’m sure I’ll leave out many, but hmmmm…let’s see; I liked listening to “Rush’ (sadly he left us), Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Ben Shapiro, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage (don’t know if he’s still active), Bill O’Reilly, Dana Loesch, Dr. Duke Pesta, Fox News (yes I try many different sources), Redstate Afternoon Briefing, Louder with Crowder, PJ Media, Hotair, AMAC, occasionally PBS (but then I can’t stand it and turn it off), BBC (I know, but I try to cover different perspectives), TownHall, Newsmax, local news, CBS, NBC, ABC, KTLA, lots of books, etc., etc., etc.

There is also a long list of political cartoonists work I like to go and see.