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Help develop "Platforms Cartoons"

Why Donate?

‘Platforms’ is an independent and self published website. You don’t have to donate. However it would be great if you did! Donations would be very helpful in many ways, especially to assist in further developing and growing the comics so they can be seen and reach a much larger audience. Assisting ‘Platforms’ promotes and encourages free speech when leftist ideology, communism, anarchy, civil war, and other destructive philosophies are smothering so many people who are just trying to be heard and live a moral and christian lifestyle! It’s a chance to make statements that won’t be shouted down.

The Beauty of God's "Real World"

I like drawing cartoons, but I often stop just to look around at the real world. The beauty and awe of the world around us is truly remarkable and its a testimony to the great power and creativity of God. Even though we live in a world that is often plagued by sin and destruction, we can still find solace in the fact that God is in control. Despite mankind's attempts to pollute and ruin the Earth, God will not allow it to be completely destroyed. It is humbling to consider that we have been allowed to be a part of such a wondrous creation, and we should take the time to appreciate it. As the Psalmist wrote, "O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (Psalm 8:1). Let us join in the song of praise to our God who created all things so beautifully and magnificently. As we contemplate the world around us, let us say with full conviction, "How great Thou art, how great Thou art!"

Family Matters

Families matter and must be protected. The family is under constant attack. Often the only sanctuary many people now have is within the walls of their own homes. But even inside of homes evil creeps inside by many forms of technology. We must be ever vigilant about what we and our families are exposed to. Be in the world but not of the world (John 17:16)

Kintsugi - USA

Perhaps you have heard of the beautiful concept known as 'kintsugi', a Japanese word that is pronounced "keen-sue-gee." It refers to a traditional art of repairing something that has been broken and transforming it into something that is even more beautiful than it was initially. This art is known as 'golden repair'. Essentially, it is the notion of not giving up on something that seems beyond repair, but instead, finding a way to transform it into something new and of value. It is the opposite of simply discarding something that is broken and replacing it with something else entirely. When I think about the USA, a nation that has endured its fair share of difficulties and challenges, I believe that kintsugi offers us a powerful lesson. We must never give up on our country, but rather work to repair it and make it shine even brighter than it did before. As the well-known biblical passage says, we must be a light unto the whole world, and I believe that he concept of kintsugi can help us achieve just that.

On the Road to Ruin?

It is indeed a concerning fact that the way the Federal Government manages money is vastly different from how we, as individuals, handle the finances of our homes and businesses. The government's approach towards managing the country's money is becoming a growing concern as the country is sinking deeper into debt with each passing day. It's alarming to note that the National Debt has reached a staggering amount in the trillions of dollars. Printing more money appears to be the response of the government in addressing any financial shortfall, which can only exacerbate the already severe issue. The National Debt per person is now over $330,000, which is a considerable amount of financial burden on every citizen. This dire situation requires urgent intervention to change the course of our financial future, and we must begin by addressing the issue with utmost seriousness and commitment.